Thursday, October 24, 2013

The You you didn't know you had in you.

Can you guys believe this kid is 8 weeks old now?? Holy crap. He gets his shots next week, and I have to say, a lot of people dread that appointment, but I ain't scurd! I figure, he tolerated a strange man cutting on his wiener, so what's a few pokes in his chubbed up thighs? <--- I'm SO happy to be able to say he has chubby little thighs. Besides, how big could these needles be?...

Hold still now...

So, something has been on my mind a lot. I spoke about it to a friend recently and wanted to share it with you guys to see if anyone else has experienced this phenomenon. I'm not quite sure what to call it... maybe the... "Meeting the New You" Phenomenon? Let me explain...

So, you grow up, you think you know who you are and how you behave in certain situations, that is, until you get pregnant. Then you realize that hormones are really behind the wheel. (fucking hormones...) and as the pregnancy goes along, for some reason you convince yourself that the pre-baby you will get right back to normal as soon the little one thrashes its little way out of your vagina literally ripping you inside out. 

Not the case... and this time, hormones are not entirely to blame.

You see, there's a woman inside of every woman, waiting patiently, biding her time, to come out and take over once that little bundle of joy so sweetly emerges. I'm serious.

She's one part Martha Stewart:

I can do EVERYTHING no problem at all!

One part Nervous Nelly:

Why is this baby cross eyed?!
Does it have a neurological disorder?!

One part Modern Martyr: 

AND I have to do laundry, get groceries, clean the house, pay bills...

One part Momma Bear:

I'll always protect you my little love

One part Lioness:

I will provide for you, and teach you

One part Wolf Woman:

I pity the fool that comes between me and my baby

I've heard women say they don't know they "can do it". I would venture to guess this woman who has these facets of personality is already inside of you. You may have even seen bits and pieces of her show herself, although in other situations. She's there, and when the time comes, she will emerge, and show herself in full force and the old you:

Nothing like a little 4Loco in a Grey Goose bottle to make ya feel high class.

As I was saying... the old you, will stand aside and watch this new lady in amazement of how she goes about doing what she has to do. Learn the babies cries, function on little sleep, sling dirty diapers like they ain't no thang, dodge the squirts, keep lovin on the pets, keep lovin on Daddy, and convince yourself your vagina is most certainly NOT going to fall out every time you sit on the toilet. 

On a serious note though, it really is like an out of body experience. What a roller coaster it is to bring a little human into this world. And once you think the ride is over (merely because they made their grand entrance) you learn the ride is just click, click, clickin' gettin started, and holy shit, make sure you're strapped in tight, because it's gonna be one hell of a ride. 

I'm glad I love roller coasters. 

just breathe.

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