Monday, July 15, 2013

Pregnancy-Induced What?!

I would consider myself relatively lucky thus far in my pregnancy. I mean, here we are 35 weeks down, working on week 36 and so far, no health problems! I mean, the constant threat of Pre-Eclmapsia is always looming I guess, but I seem to have been chugging along just fine until... well I noticed my hands going numb... They are numb every morning when I wake up and I've noticed them going numb periodically when I'm awake. Apparently, women sometimes get whats called "Pregnancy Induced Carpal Tunnel" This is caused by a little extra fluid compressing some delicate little ligaments and nerve pathways in the wrist. This kid is wreaking havoc on my body! He better be freaking awesome or I'm going to be pissed. Not only do I feel about as attractive as Chris Farley:

So sexy.

...but I also now feel like I have the hands of a dried out, old hobbit now too...

Ahhh isn't pregnancy just full of glitter and wonder?

Although I can't help but ask... does this preclude pre-eclampsia? I certainly hope not. My appointments have been great so far, no protein in the urine, my blood pressure has been rock-solid at 90's over 60's... the only thing that worries me lately I guess is this whole VERY mild swelling thing. I've noticed my feet get a little more puffy at night, I can still see my bones and veins, it's just not as pronounced as usual... and I've noticed getting my rings off at the end of the day can prove difficult if I don't use lotion to help me... 

Sausage Fingers.
Waaaaaay better than suffering from dick fingers. How awkward would THAT be?!

How hard would it be to find gloves?

As time has gone on this past week, I've found I'm suffering less from heartburn. Hooray! I've read this may indicate he's "dropping"... I hope he doesn't drop too far... or get too ready, I want him to stay put! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he at least stays until 40 weeks. Every time I pass by a mirror I look at my belly and try to figure out if it's lower than before... I don't think it is... What do you guys think?

Got that sexy little number for my hospital stay...

Based on responses to last week's post, I've upgraded my bag to include nursing tops, throw-away underwear, and nice new socks. Sometimes the thought occurs to me... will I be in a position to actually grab that bag when the time comes or will I look back and laugh thinking, "silly naive girl, thought she'd be prepared?! HA!" The woman who loves to plan for things, who loves surprises, yet hates to be unprepared. I guess time will tell. 

On an awesome note... I have a new favorite onsie for him. Most of you know I'm a huge Beastie Boys fan and his initials will be VW. Can you see where I'm going with this? Remember the number 2 fashion staple of rappers in the 80's? I say number 2 because number 1 was obviously a pair of sweet Adidas kicks. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you,

The number 2 80's rapper fashion item was of course, the big thick chain complete with hood ornament. Most commonly worn was the VW. I have a soft spot in my heart for 80's rapper fashion.

These guys don't need an introduction. 
If you don't know who they are, choke yourself.

And of course, my favorite, Mike D, is representin' VW. So, with that being the longest explanation to my new favorite onsie, finally, I'll show it to you:

OMG!! So adorable!!!!!!!

This is a gift from Kris' mom and it has got to be the coolest little onsie EVER! Don't get me wrong, I've gotten a lot of adorable little outfits for him, in fact, he'll probably never have to wear the same thing twice... but this just gets me. Which brings me to another question I've had for awhile now... what the hell is it about something being so cute or adorable that inspires the proclamation of cannibalism?! You know what I'm talking about, hell, I bet most of you have found  yourself say these exact words: "They are SO cute I just wanna eat them right up!" <--- why?! I've heard this used when referring to babies, or puppies, or kittens, or whatever the hell else is small and adorable. But why? If you think about it, it's actually quite terrifying. 

Muzzle yourself Hannibal. 

That's better. Now don't touch my kid.